Please Note: THIS FORM IS FOR CENTER HILL HIGH SCHOOL ONLY. The Anonymous Safety Alert is a tool for reporting sensitive information to school officials. This may include violence towards a student or teacher, drug use, sexual harassment, bullying, threats, weapons, emergency assistance, gang activity, or any inappropriate behavior. School officials and local enforcement agencies will be forwarded this information. The Safety Alert may also be used to report misconduct or inappropriate behavior of a DeSoto County School District employee(s). All information is anonymous. The information provided must be accurate to the best of your knowledge. Please describe your location when the event occurred: |
Victim's Name (optional): |
Please let us know if you are one of the following: |
Date/Time Event Occurred: |
Name of Person(s) Endangering Student Safety/Exhibiting Misconduct or Inappropriate Behavior : |
Description of Problem/Event: |
I certify that I have completed this form truthfully to the best of my knowledge (Check Yes or No) - Please note that NO answers will not be investigated. |